Relationships and intimacy are intertwined, and maintaining a healthy sexual life is an essential element of human interaction.
Whether your needs are restorative or reparative, or perhaps the curiosity to explore the potential of sexual enhancement entices you, our clinic provides holistic solutions with you in mind.
clinical solutions that are tailor-made for better sexual health.
Most men will tell you that their penis is the most important organ in his body. Although this may not be true for everyday physiologic survival, proper and reliable function of the penis plays a large role in intimate relationships. The Ehlers Docs have created an environment for men that feels confidential, convenient and that takes their sexual concerns into consideration.
Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection and / or concerns about penile size, shape and curvature, with or without pain, can affect one’s self-esteem and create significant stress between partners.
The P-shot is a safe, natural, non-surgical procedure that incorporates the harvesting and injection of one own’s plasma-enriched growth factors (or PRP) into specific areas of the penis to treat erectile dysfunction.
The PRP acts to induce healing and regeneration of tissues and blood-vessels leading to improved erectile strength, performance and sensitivity.
Designed to increase the organ’s girth, provide an overall improved appearance as well as performance, penis enlargement using hyaluronic acid injections is minimally invasive, provides quick results and above all is safe and effective.
Men and their partners will see a noticeable difference in size which will enhance sexual performance, by making improved contact with erogenous tissue. In addition, patients report that the added weight they feel creates an overall positive impression and provides a renewed sense of confidence.
Many women neglect discussing or seeking treatment for symptoms related to sexual health or sexual dysfunction due to stigma and lack of awareness of treatment options. Our medical aesthetic clinic nestled in the quiet safety of Umhlanga, Durban offers diverse and holistic treatments to increase a women’s sexual wellness.
Loss of sensation and thinning of the vaginal mucosa can result in decreased sexual enjoyment and functional issues, including dryness and urinary incontinence. One of the new exciting treatments in intimate wellness is the use of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP).
The science behind the O-Shot is based on the powerful tissue regenerative properties of PRP treatments to rejuvenate the vulval and vaginal area to improve tissue quality, lubrication and sensation to enhance sexual pleasure and function.
Over time, the natural processes of your lifecycle as a woman, such as childbirth, hormonal changes and weight fluctuations, can lead to various conditions such as involuntary urine leakage, vaginal laxity, dryness and recurring infections. As a result, you may experience a decrease in the quality of your life – and sense of self.
FemiLift is a revolutionary clinical solution for restoring and optimizing feminine wellness at any age. FemiLift is a state-of-the-art, minimally-invasive outpatient procedure that incorporates CO2 technology to provide optimal care for various feminine concerns. The procedure is quick, painless, completely safe and provides highly satisfactory results, with no downtime, no need for anaesthesia and an immediate improvement in overall function with long lasting effects.
Dr. Francois Ehlers is a functional and integrative healthcare practitioner with a special interest in intimate wellness.
"Our clinic's intimate wellness programme offers a holistic workup and treatment solutions for both men and wo
RECLAIM your sexual health.
REVIVE your well-being.
RESTORE your relationships.